Christopher Haggarty-Weir

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Christopher Haggarty-Weir

United kingdom

I am currently undertaking doctoral research into malaria vaccine targets at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, the University of Melbourne and the University of Edinburgh. Aside from my research, I have been involved with the World Federation of Parasitologists as the social media officer. I help manage the website and maintain the Facebook page which I managed to grow to over 8770 members since I started it. We use this as a platform for communicating about parasitology to researchers, clinicians and students, as well as the public. My focus is on promoting information pertaining to all aspects of malaria, from rug/vaccine design to epidemiology and economic impacts. Furthermore, I am also an administrator on the largest parasitology-related Facebook page "Parasites and Parasitology", which currently has over 25 890 members. I also engage in science communication by writing malaria articles for Mostly and regularly engage both public and professionals in discussing my research and the impact of malaria around the world. Finally, I also utilized social media to launch a successful crowd-funding campaign in 2015 (via Pozible) that raised over $7900 towards malaria research. You can have a look at the campaign here- and you can check out the video here- I always make myself available on the WFP Facebook page to discuss anything malaria-related with anyone who is interested.


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