Obinna Ebirim



Njideka Ezeh

2015-09-25 07:56

Way to go Nigeria! !! We really need more likes of Dr Obinna Ebirim (a catalyst). Congratulations Doc, you really deserve this award

Dr Spyce

2015-09-25 07:50

He has shown passion for public enlightenment on the ways to prevent malaria; often organized and partook in outreach programmes where people are freely treated for Malaria and to teach them the need to and how to avoid malaria.

Chika Ugoh

2015-09-25 07:35

You have always been an advocate of the people while in school and even after school. Africa need someone like you in the fight against malaria. You gat my support.

Faith Nfii

2015-09-24 22:03

Malaria still remains a contemporary health issue in africa and has been a leading cause of child mortality especially in Sub-Saharan Africa . I strongly appreciate and support the efforts of Dr. Obinna Ebirim in creating the awareness needed in eradicating this disease. Thanks.

Makwe Samuel Victor

2015-09-24 09:41

You have been an admirable advocate of this project since your university days. Your great passion for roll-back malaria has been exemplary. I do hope that the international health community would reward your efforts with this well-deserved award! You are surely the best!

Godwin Ibe

2015-09-24 05:49

Obinna Ebirim is currently my hero for this award of Regional Malaria Champion. Being a medical doctor myself, I can categorically say that his drive, motivation and sensitivity to the issue of Malaria, and needs of malaria victims including its prevention in the largest population in Africa (Nigeria) is extremely commendable. I hope more people will be able to appreciate the efforts of this highly qualified and caring medical doctor cum specialist. From Dr. Godwin Ibe, Medical Doctor in Russia

Teinye Isokariari

2015-09-24 01:29

Good job...the healthcare community surely needs more people like you...keep flying high!

Ijeoma Ebirim

2015-09-24 00:37

You have been very passionate and diligent in your service. Wishing you the best.

Ekele Onwuachumba

2015-09-24 00:24

I concur to the comments made by the others about Obi. He is committed to contributing to the well being of man..

Ojimah Chibianotu

2015-09-24 00:18

A young Nigerian with robust capacity; a community physician in practice; a friend to all; and a lover to one; You are here by without reservation confidently endorsed..... More grace! Congrats!!

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